We Need Your Support!

Proudly Serving: Hanover Township, Ashley Borough, Sugar Notch Borough, Warrior Run Borough and Laurel Run Borough
Individual $50.00/yr
Family $75.00/yr
Click on the Subscription Button Below to Pay Online!
Please call us at 570-825-1266 or email CWoolfolk@HanoverEMS.org to subscribe.
The 2024-2025 Hanover Township Community Ambulance Association (HTCAA) subscription drive is now in progress!
The HTCAA is a community-based, non-profit Emergency Medical Services (EMS) organization that provides state-of-the-art emergency basic and advanced life support to its community, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Your support will help us ensure this vital community service continues today, tomorrow, and into the future.
The HTCAA does NOT receive any revenue from the local government (tax-base) but must rely on our community through our subscription program and by billing insurance carriers and patients for its revenue in order to ensure this vital life-saving service is available when needed.
(HTCAA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit EMS agency that has been proudly serving the community since 1940. 2018 marks our 78th year anniversary of our continuous service to Hanover Twp. and surrounding areas. As your regional Advanced Life Support provider, HTCAA covers towns of Hanover Twp., Ashley Borough, Sugar Notch, Warrior Run, and Laurel Run.
HTCAA is proud of its staff of 35 experienced Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians. These career paramedics and EMTs are highly trained in the most advanced medical skills available today. HTCAA currently operates three (3) Paramedic Level Ambulances, one (1) Paramedic Support Unit along with a Mass Casualty Trailer, equipped with the latest technology and advanced life-saving equipment. We respond to over 4,000 critical care calls per year; from advanced airway techniques to invasive cardiac interventions, to the latest lifesaving medications. HTCAA can bring the emergency room to you in your time of need.
The subscription program is designed to benefit HTCAA by generating revenue for expenses like ambulances and medical equipment and to benefit the subscriber by ensuring out-of-pocket expenses for ambulance services is kept to a minimum, or in some cases, eliminated.
Subscription Benefits and Policy The Subscription covers:
- Emergency Medical Service (EMS) ambulance transportation and limited Non-Emergency ambulance transportation (limited meaning that it is subject to the availability of HTCAA to provide the non-emergency request for ambulance transportation).
- Anyone residing at your residence or, in the case of a business subscription, anyone employed by your business.
Subscription Policy:
- Your subscription is Tax-Deductible HTCAA is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation)
- Medicare and Medicare HMO subscribers are only responsible to pay 50% of any co-insurance, co-pay, and deductible amounts not paid for by the insurance carrier for medically necessary ambulance transportation. This could mean up to a $350.00 savings!
- Subscribers with commercial insurance are only responsible to pay 50% of any co-insurance, co-pay and deductible amounts not paid for by the insurance carrier and plan for medically necessary ambulance transportation. This could mean up to a $550.00 savings!
- If Medicare or Medicare HMO determines an ambulance transportation was not medically necessary, the subscriber will ONLY be responsible to pay the “allowable” amount (this is the amount Medicare or Medicare HMO would have paid, not the full ambulance transportation charge). This could mean up to a $750.00 savings!
- If the subscriber has commercial insurance and the commercial insurance carrier determines the ambulance transportation is not medically necessary, the subscriber will receive a 50% discount on the total ambulance transportation charge. This could mean up to a $600.00 savings!
By law, Medicaid (medical assistance) recipients are prohibited from participating in this subscription program. Uninsured individuals are prohibited from participating in this subscription program.
The terms and conditions of the HTCAA subscription program are subject to change without notice. A copy of the complete HTCAA subscription program policies is available at 1001 Center St, Hanover Township PA 18706, Phone 570-825-1266.
Payment of a subscription is an acceptance of the terms and conditions of the subscription program.
Individual $50.00/yr
Family $75.00/yr
Click on the Subscription Button Below to Pay Online!
Please call us at 570-825-1266 or email CWoolfolk@HanoverEMS.org to subscribe.